Debunking the most common myths about Business School admissions process to help save your time and energy that goes into research, at the same time help reduce your admission-induced stress, panic and anxiety. Get your records right and take your first step towards your dream school. It wants you!
Studying in a B school abroad is expensive and it’s meant for the affluent class.
Well, It’s not. Although you might almost faint when you look at the sticker prices of these schools but they have plenty of financial aid options available for qualified candidates. There are also several banks who cover the costs for you initially in the form of education loans. You might think it’s not worth risking and burdening yourself with debt in the name of education but your takings in 2-3 years will not only ease you out of loan but also bring you significant returns.
Low GMAT means you have lost your chance
Let’s get this straight. You haven’t. These schools look for a well rounded profile and follow a holistic admissions process. While a good GMAT/GRE score definitely strengthens your profile, these B schools give a considerable weightage to your other experiences and accomplishments in life. If you have a low GMAT, try upping other aspects of your profile such as any impacts that you have made in your job, or any hardships that you might have overcome. Remember, high GRE/GMAT is not the only entry criteria.
A great deal of extracurriculars will help
Almost each one of you have this notion, so did I. A long list of extracurricular activities will not impress the panel, what will do is sincere involvement in one. Focusing on one will outweigh the superficial participation in several.
Your Social Media Profiles won’t matter
Believe it or not but they will check your social media pages. Anything embarrassing that you are tagged in or you have uploaded, go delete it right now. They want to see you are clean of anything inappropriate. If you don’t want something which is on your profile to be there on the first page of a newspaper, you probably don’t want the admissions committee to see it either.
Be modest in your application
Modesty is probably not a great quality to have on your college applications while it may be on other occasion. Don’t downplay your achievements, both in essay and in resume. Feel free to brag about your any and every accomplishment and their significance. Your college application gives you a rare opportunity to shine. Grab it. Grab The chance.
Lastly, remember you are a phenomenal person! You have come long way and have worked extra hard to be what you are today. Don’t let naysayers demoralize you. You have a fair shot of gaining a place in your dream B School. You are worth it. Dream high, Dream big.